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Every year, poor communication costs small businesses with under 100 employees -$420,000 and companies with over 100,000 employees over -$62 million.
of remote workers reported increased struggles with inconsistent leadership, miscommunications and misunderstandings between team members compared to working in the office.
of remote workers reported feeling overwhelmed by the high volume of emails and other means of communication like Slack messages.
of remote workers reported a high degree of exaustion from daily video calls with many admitting they are “simply listening for their name” or “trying to pay attention, but often zoning out”.
Figure out instantly what to do next. No more confusion on who is responsible
Easily track the project's progress. Make it easier to plan and adjust expectation
Less time spent on meetings while increasing clarity for everyone involved
Trello uses kanban which originates from the manufacturing industry. It's designed to work well for that but doesn't translate well to remote working.
Plan projects ahead of time to make things go smoother
It's easy to know how things are progressing
Trivial to figure out the scope
Hard to make sense of progress
A dedicated project manager is required
Cannot plan ahead of time
No relations making it hard to coordinate
Recall is based on a concept invented nearly 70 years ago. Its goal was to simplify the planning and scheduling of large and complex projects.
The technique was originally developed for the U.S. Navy to support the U.S. Navy's Polaris nuclear submarine project. Afterwards, It found applications is many different industries.
It has been successfully used in high profile projects like the Winter Olympics in Grenoble, development of the former WTC building and the NASA's Apollo Program.
All project starts in the planning phase. There are many ways of writing it down. However, plain text is not sufficient for anything beyond trivial tasks.
Many resort to creating a network diagram similar to Recall. Gantt chart is a popular alternative that works for smaller projects. If you know how to use Gantt chart, you know how to use Recall.
In fact, Recall was originally created because a project manager created something similar using Excel. We saw how effective it was and wondered why there was nothing like it in the market.
It's just drag and drop!
Mapping your project is trivial using our interactive viewport. Move items around, draw connections, rename task, delete them, and much more.
sprints, stories, or epics?
Yes we do! Our system allows you to use any method you want. Simply create a folder with the structure you need.
Filter through your data through any combination of logic possible using our powerful filtering engine.
Find out why I made Recall 👉 My Story