Our goal is to develop the best software we could possibly make. By charging a subscription, we are able to maintain our servers and focus on making Recall better.
If you start the free trial at 5pm, your trial will end at 5pm 7 days after
Once you've finished your free trial or if you decide to stop using Recall, you can still access your data in read-only mode. When you upgrade to a paid plan, you will be able to add and edit entities again.
Paddle is a Revenue Delivery Platform increasing used by various SaaS companies. Contact us if you'd like to use a different method of payment.
We're confident that you'll find Recall valuable. In case you didn't, we will fully refund you!
Contact us for more details. Please note that we offer this based on our discretion.
Open-source software is great! If you are a maintainer of an Open-source project and would like to use Recall, Contact us and we can work something out.
Your Subscription
You will be charged either monthly or yearly depending on what you selected when you started the plan. This will continue until you cancel your subscription.
For example, you can subscribed on 1st of January and cancel your plan in the middle of the month. You will be able to continue using Recall until the end of January.
Simply go to the billing section of your organization and select the action you want to perform.
We will calculate the difference and change it for you.